Foundation Donors

The following donors have contributed to a fund at the Foundation.

Clara Adkins

Aisin Drivetrain, Inc.

Janie Alexander

Phyllis Amick

Kathy Anderkin

Anonymous Donors

Jerry and Christina Applegate

Kevin and Paula Baldwin

Bill and Luanne Barnett

Roxanna Bixler

Nancy Barr and Kenneth Burton

Bob Ward Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.

Carmen Boley

Dennis and Jill Byrer Boley

Adam and Amanda Bomar

Ray and Jeanie Borden

Scott and Shannon Borden

Andrew, Lindsey, Gavin and Grant Boswell

Donald and Beatrice Boswell

Lindsey Boswell

Steve and Charlotte Boswell

Patricia Bridge

Erica Brieschke


Jeff Brooks

Daniel Brunner

Buchanan Funeral Home

Richie Buchanan

Kathleen Burke

Burris Electrical and Plumbing Supply

Jeannie Carlisle

CASA of Scott County

Estate of Roquel Chambers

City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy

Daniel and Martha Clapp

Clark County REMC

The Ray M. Cleland Memorial Fund

Kevin and Kim Collins

Rita Kay Collins

Billy and Mary Beth Comer

Jeff and Lisa Conder

Delmar and Velma Coomer

Lori Coomer

Jennifer Coward

Trent Cowles

Rachel Crafton

Chelsea Crump

Danney, Wanda, and Kara Dailey

James and Maria Daniels

Richard and Cheryl Davenport

Laura Deaton

Steve Deaton

Chance and Tinisha Densford

Kathy Dodds

Phillip Dold

Gary, Mary, Adam, and Rebecca Driver

Mollie Watts Duckett

William and Mary Ellen Jones Edginton

Gladys Estes

Gartech Enterprises, Inc.

Marilyn Evans

Robert H. and Joan R. Everitt

Marsha Burns Fewell

Joseph and Teresa Flaspohler

Justin Fowler

Randall and Beth Ann Franklin

Jayne H. Freeman

Richard Gilbert and Thelma

Lee Anne Hahn

John Hall

Katherine Hall

Robert Hall

Randy and Lori Hancock

Jan Hardy

Shari Hardy

Elloree Harris

The Herald Families – Dana, Steve, Holly, Jaiden, Brianna, Rex, Amanda, Bryar, Ava & Isabella

Heritage Insurance and Investments

Robert and Megan Hickman

Greg Hicks

William and Donna Higginbotham

George E. Hill

Melissa Hill

Bill and Barb Hoagland

Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs

Thelma Hogue

Home Helpers

Houston, Thompson & Lewis, PC

Houston, Thompson & Lewis Staff: Suzy, Donnette, Debbie, Doc, Pam, Diane, Jessica and Courtney

Gary Hubbard

T.G. Humphrey

Isaac Hunefeld

Katie Hunger

Jessica Hunley

Indiana Department of Child Services – Jefferson County Office

Jennings Township Volunteer Fire Department

Hank and Ann Jentzen

Kevin and Caitlin Jentzen

Chris and Jennifer Johanningsmeier

Raymond Jones

Brandee McBain Justus

Lois Kendall

Mark and Marilyn Kendall

Paula Kern

Kiwanis Club of Scott County

Knapp Miller Brown Insurance Services, Inc.

Susan Knowles

Scott and Sharon Laird

Matthew LaMaster

Teresa Luedeman

Elaine Long

Taylor and Jamie Longacre

John and Janice Martin

S. Zachary Martin

Glenn and Nora McClain

Dana McCreight

LaKynn McDonald

McIntosh & Co. Real Estate, LLC

Wanda Kay McIntosh

Carl and Sheila McMillen

Danny and Sherrie McNeely

Brittany Merkel

Steve and Candy Meyer

Miller HVAC

Reverend and Mrs. Tim Mohon

Jonathan Morgan

Morgan Foods

Kristin Nass

New Washington State Bank (NWSB)

Terri Nichols

Nicholson & Becht Orthodontics

Outward Bound Support Services, LLC

Ryan and Stacy Payne

Tim and Janet Payne

Catrina Perkinson

Estate of Bill and Norma Perry

John Peterson

Matt and Lynda Phillips

Preservation Alliance Inc.

Psi Iota Xi Sorority, Beta Sigma Chapter

Puerto Vallarta Restaurant

Marty Randall

Pat Read

Donna Reardon

Wanda Reese

Derek and Samantha Renschler & kids

Jeffrey and Janet Renschler

Matthew and Jilly Renschler & kids

Todd and Frances Renschler

Al and Lonna Riggle

River Hills EDD & RPC

Alan and Vanna Robbins

Jean Robbins

Chris and Jennifer Routt

Virginia Rutherford

S&L Heating, Cooling & Electric

Nathalie Sanders

Schneck Medical Center

Scott Cardiac Rehab

Scott County Chiropractic

Scott County Genealogical Society Inc.

Scott County Kids First

Scott County School District 2

Scott County Tire

Scottsburg Bowling Lanes

Scottsburg Chillers

Scottsburg Electric Department Employees

Scottsburg High School Alumni Association

SHS Class of 1958

SHS Class of 1974

Jordan Shuler

Holly Sharp

Dan and Mary Lou Slattery

Susie Smith

Jeff, Louise & Blake Stamper

Steve and Debra Starr

Stay at Home Care

Joshua and Elizabeth Stigdon

Sunshine Extension Homemakers

Mark Talbert

Lincoln and Dawn Taylor

Robert and Traci Taylor

Cory and Shelby Thomas and family; Maggie and Bri and family

Wes and Yvonna Thomas

Kelly Thompson

Brian and Cheryl Tolbert

Jeremy and Jaime Toppe

Michael Tscheulin

Reva Turner

Sheila Walton, Lee Ann Howe, Scott Kilburn & Stephanie Gricius

Rosa Watts

Lawrence and Carol Hitchcock Weir

Well Care Community Health

Brady and Julie Wells

Evan and Christa West

James and Heather White

Chelsea Wicker

Andrea Wilson

Chris and Melissa Woods

Michael Woods

Ronnie Wright








Clara Adkins

Janie Alexander

Amazon Smile Foundation

Ambulance Billing Services, Inc.

Jerry and Kathy Anderkin

Anonymous Donors

Phil Bates

Merle and Linda Begley

Roxanna Bixler

Carmen Boley

Dennis and Jill Byrer-Boley

Roger and Shelby Boley

Phyllis and Shirley Borden

Scott and Shannon Borden

Lindsey Boswell

Steve and Charlotte Boswell

David and Karen Bottomley

Casey and Jaye Brewster

Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater

Daniel Brunner

Mary Ellen Buchanan

Kenneth Burton and Nancy Barr

Sara Campbell

Jeannie Carlisle

William and Janice Cash

Marilyn Chamberlain

Judith Christensen

City of Austin

City of Scottsburg

City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy

Jacob Clark

Clark County REMC

The Albert Clegg Family

Marian Cole

Loretta Coleman

John and Gayle Collins

Rita Kay Collins

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Colwell

Billy and Mary Beth Comer

Brent and Pam Comer

Chace Coomer

Jennifer Coward

Jonathan Deal

Teddy and Mary Denney

Chance and Tinisha Bowles Densford

Phillip Dold

Jean and Bernas Downing Charitable Trust

Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett

Clarence and Janet Eby

Marilyn Evans

David and Karen Everett

Marsha Burns Fewell

Vaughn and Susan Floyd

David and Karen Flucke

Randall and Beth Ann Franklin

Alison Frazier

Christian and Amy Fugate

Sam and Linda George

Eric and Shelly Gillespie

Helen Gorman

Gary and Doreen Graves

Steve and Pam Gwaltney

Katherine Hall

Jan Hardy

Shari Hardy

Jeff Harmon

Elloree Harris

Perry Hayes

George and Deborah Henry

Amanda Herald

Robert and Megan Hickman

Marvin and Penny Hiler

George E. Hill

Melissa Hill

Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs

Bob and Wilma Hollis

Houston, Thompson & Lewis, PC

Patrick and Shannon Howser

Ivy Tech Foundation

Virgina Funk

Hank and Ann Jentzen

Kevin and Caitlin Jentzen

Chris and Jennifer Johanningsmeier

Rob and Vickie Johnson

Raymond Jones

Robert and Brenda Jones

Brandee McBain Justus

Sharon Kemper

Lois Kendall

Parnell and Joyce Kilburn

The King Family

Kiwanis Club of Scott County

James D. Kleopfer, Jr.

Susan Knowles

Chase LeBrun

Bill and Eleanor Lee

Robert Malcomb

John and Janice Martin

S. Zachary Martin

Linda Caldwell McCleary

Marion Bovard McCord

B. Duvon and Victoria McGuire

Marvin and Betty Lou McGuire Irrevocable Trust

Carl and Sheila McMillen

Callie Watts McRae

Barry Monroe

Harold and Elizabeth Morgan

Morgan Foods

Jason and Shannon Mount

Nabb Presbyterian Church

Stephanie Napier

Kristin Nass

Jennifer and David Nelson

Susie Nevils

New Washington State Bank

William and Barbara Nichols

Darlene Nixon

Larry and Debbie Oberlies

Matt and Erin Oberlies

Ryan and Stacy Payne

Ross Everett Payne Jr.

Timothy and Janet Payne

Penn Care, Inc.

Estate of Bill and Norma Perry

John Allen Peterson

Stephen Bovard Peterson

Matt and Lynda Phillips

Dan Prewitt

Doris Prewitt

Paul Quimby, Ruth Quimby & Paul Quimby Jr.

Karen Rabb

Genevieve and Arthur Radford

Marty Randall

Derek and Samantha Renschler

Jeff and Janet Renschler

Scott and Patricia Richey

Nathan Riddle

Al and Lonna Riggle

Chuck and Connie Rose

Lucky and Karen Rose

The Sammons Family

Nathalie Sanders

Schneck Family Care

Doug Scott

Scott County Auto Center

Scott County Kids First

Scott County School District 1

Scott County School District 2

Scott County Youth Grantmaking Council

Scott Memorial Health

Scott Memorial Health Board of Trustees

Scott Memorial Health Employees

Scott Memorial Hospital Guild

Scottsburg High School Alumni Association

Scottsburg High School Class of 1958

Jordan Shuler

Jane Sinclair

Dan and Mary Lou Slattery

Rebecca Snowden

Tom and Donna Springstun

Still Water Individual and Family Therapy Services, Inc.

Barbara Stonecash

Carolyn Stout

Nancy Swank

Judy Taflinger

Jerel Taylor

The Thomas and Widmoyer Families

Jeremy and Jaime Toppe

United Way of Scott County Board of Trustees and Staff

Vienna-Finley Elementary School Students & Families

Vienna Township Volunteer Fire Department

Patricia Wagner

Lori Wells

Evan and Christa West

James and Heather White

Jerry and Vivian Williams

Karen Wischmeier

Randy and Sandy Wischmeier and Family

Chris and Melissa Woods

Ronnie Wright

Debbie Young

Kurt and Stephanie Zierhut

Clara Adkins

Janie Alexander

Amazon Smile Foundation

Anonymous Donors

Edmund Banet

Nancy Barr

Brenda Barron

Alvin and Teresa Begley

Scott and Shannon Borden

Donald and Beatrice Boswell

Lindsey Boswell

Steve and Charlotte Boswell

Pat Bridge

Bruce and Jene Bridgewater

Barbara Broady

Eric and Christina Browalksi

Ruby Brown and family

Daniel and Brittany Brunner

Lauren Campbell

Barbara Caudill

City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy

Billy and Mary Beth Comer

Ruth Comer

CORE Construction Services

Chelsea Crump

Danney and Wanda Dailey

Cheryl Davenport

Greg and Roberta Dean

Chance and Tinisha Bowles-Densford

Phillip Dold

Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett

Duke Energy

Roger and Mary Jo Duvall

Daniel and Linda Dwyer

Marilyn Evans

Derek Everhart

Marsha (Burns) Fewell

Jeffrey and Holly Fields

Friends of Phillip Dold

Wallace and Marietta Goodloe

Brent and Joyce Gray

Tom and Deb Gricius

Steve and Pam Gwaltney

Patricia Haist

Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs

Lou and Mary Holland

Patrick and Shannon Howser

Katie Hunger

Debbie Hurt

Interim HealthCare of Scottsburg

Joshua M.D. James/Bill C. Brown Associates

Ann Jentzen

Hank and Ann Jentzen

Kevin Jentzen

Junkyard BBQ

Parnell and Joyce Kilburn

Peggy Kimmick

Stephen and Susan Knowles

Gernetta Land

L.L. and Juanita Lowry

Brian and Melinda Lowry

Main Street Auto Sales

John and Janice Martin

S. Zachary Martin

Sean Mayer

Wanda Kay McIntosh

Larry McNeely

Candace Meyer

Evan Meyer

Joe and Joan Miller

Morgan Foods

David and Vivian Morris

Jason and Shannon Mount

Michael and Annette Murphy

Stephanie Napier

New Washington State Bank

Rita Howard Nickell

Janet Payne

Ryan and Stacy Payne

Estate of Bill and Norma Perry

Steve and Judy Pettit

Matt and Lynda Phillips

Al and Donna Riggle

Alan and Vanna Robbins

Jean Robbins

Don and Clara Ross

Chris and Jennifer Routt


Nathalie Sanders

Santa Fe Restaurant

Scott County Genealogical Society Inc.

Scott County Kids First

Scott County School District 2

Scott Memorial Health

Scottsburg FFA Alumni Association

Jordan Shuler

Dan and Mary Lou Slattery

Cody Smith

Joe and Melissa Smith

Mary Polittz Smith

Spaulding Square Homeowners Association

Wayne and Sue Stearns

Kelly (Jentzen) Thompson

Jeremy and Jaime Toppe

Twisted Rose Flower Farm

AJ and Dawn Voiles/Hidden Valley Acres

Russ Wade

Todd Walton

Brady and Julie Wells

Ron and Mary Jo West

James and Heather White

Terry and Vicki Wolka

Chris and Melissa Woods

Kurt and Stephanie Zierhut


Kyle Akers
Amazon Smile Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Austin Middle and High School Students & Staff
Phil Bates
Bethel Baptist Church of Leota
Tony and Jennifer Binkley
Carmen Boley
Roger and Shelby Boley
Lindsey Boswell
Steve and Charlotte Boswell
Rex and Kathy Brace
Patricia Bridge
Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater
Craig Broady
Steve Broady
Daniel and Brittany Brunner
James and Joyce Bush
Richard and Sara Campbell
Steve and Jeannie Carlisle
Marilyn Chamberlain
Clark Chapel Cemetery Association
Billy and Mary Beth Comer
Ruth Ann Comer
Debbie Conover
Annabelle Cook
Craig-West Inc.
Dr. John and Lori Croasdell
Chelsea Crump
Danny and Karen Davis
Chance and Tinisha Bowles-Densford
Pat Divish
Phillip Dold
Yvette Dowd
Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett
Ken and Chong Ellis
Marilyn Evans
Estate of Jane Ann Everitt
Marsha (Burns) Fewell
Steve and Pam Gwaltney
Lee Anne Hahn
Dwight and Diane Hair
Elloree Harris
George E. Hill
Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs
Amanda Hurt
Interim HealthCare of Scottsburg
Joshua M.D. James/Bill C. Brown Associates
Hank and Ann Jentzen
Kevin and Caitlin Jentzen
Chris and Jennifer Johanningsmeier
Junkyard BBQ LLC
Brooke Kiefer
Brandon and Bethany Knight
Stephen and Susan Knowles
L.L. and Juanita Lowry
Natalie Maddox
Main Street Auto Sales
Wes and Misty Marcum
John and Janice Martin
S. Zachary Martin
Donna Mayer
JR and Joan McGuire
Ruth Ann McGuire
Candy Meyer
Evan Meyer
Midwestern Engineers, Inc.
Dr. Michael E. Miner
Jennifer Morris
New Washington State Bank
Rita Nickell
Pampered Chef
Donald Payne
Ryan and Stacy Payne
Jeff and Julie Petty
Matt and Lynda Phillips
Marty Randall
Gia Raterman
Robert and Judith Rhude
Caity Rice
Al and Lonna Riggle
Alan and Vanna Robbins
Lee Robison
Scott County Community Foundation Board of Directors and Staff
Scott County Genealogical Society
Scott County Visitors Commission
Roger and Kathy Simms
Dan and Mary Lou Slattery
Joe Smith
Rhonda Smith
Melinda Sparkman
Carol Stead
Stoplight Liquor/Greg and Andrea Gibson
Linda Stough
Nancy Swank
Joseph Sweetland
Kelly Thompson
Jeremy and Jaime Toppe
Stacey Turner
Brady and Julie Wells
Ron and Mary Jo West
Myra Wetzel
James and Heather White
Tim Williams
Joe and Becky Wolf
Joe and Tammy Wolf
Melissa Woods
Debbie Young
Scott and Carla Zellers

Clara Adkins
Amazon Smile Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Austin Alumni Association
Nancy Barr and Ken Burton
Blue & Co.
Scott and Shannon Borden
Donald and Beatrice Boswell
Lindsey Boswell
Steve and Charlotte Boswell
Patricia Bridge
Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater
Daniel and Brittany Brunner
Sara Campbell
Steve and Jeannie Carlisle
Matt and Sheila Carter
Michael and Joanne Cathcart
City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy
Clark Chapel Cemetery
Clark County REMC
Rodney Colson
Billy and Mary Beth Comer
Jeff, Lisa, Evan, and Hannah Conder
Clifford and Laura Craig
Matthew and Farah Craig
Trish David and Family (Shellie and Donnie, Eric and Lauren, Susan)
K. Gregory and Roberta Dean
Phillip Dold
Dow Chemical Friends
Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett
Duke Energy
Kenneth and Gladys Dykstra
Lisa Echsner
Dr. Vana and Marilyn Evans
Jane Ann Everitt
Estate of Jane Ann Everitt
Robert H. Everitt
Marsha Reeves-Fewell
Timothy and Leigh Funk
Steve and Pam Gwaltney
Hancock’s Drug Store
Randy and Lori Hancock
Steve and Peggy Hauer
Perry Lynn Hayes and Family
William and Donna Higginbotham
George E. Hill
Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs
Ivy Tech Community College
Joshua M.D. James/Bill C. Brown Associates
Hank and Ann Jentzen
Kevin Jentzen
Nicholas and Jessica Jones
Stephanie Carlisle Kirby
Tracy and Stephanie Kirby
Knights of Columbus
Stephen and Susan Knowles
Barbara Laird
Scott D. Laird
Patricia Larr
L.L. and Juanita Lowry
Jeff Lytle Farms
Lytle Family
John and Janice Martin
Larry McNeely
The McNeely Family (John, Megan, Sarah and Ethan)
Candy Meyer
Morgan Foods
Mildred Mumford Trust
New Washington State Bank
Matt and Erin Oberlies
Omega Construction Services/Monty and April Stutsman
Operation Lifesaver Region 3 State Coordinators
Stephanie Parker, Attorney at Law
Matt and Lynda Phillips
Jean Robbins
Chris and Jennifer Routt
Dale and Vicki Sawin
Scott County School District 1
Scott County School District 2
SHS Alumni Association
Daniel and Mary Lou Slattery
Robert and Lisa Spencer
Joshua and Elizabeth Stigdon
Stoplight Liquor/Greg and Andrea Gibson
Jerel Taylor
Lincoln and Dawn Taylor
Sally Tinnel
Jeremy and Jaime Toppe
Estate of Sarah “Sally” Waldkoetter
Brandi Wallace
Wal-Mart Scottsburg #1142
John and Alison Walters
Jo Ann Webster
Brady and Julie Wells
Ron and Mary Jo West
William Wetzel Trust
Jimmy and Heather White
Dennis and Linda Wilson
Terry and Vicki Wolka
Chris and Melissa Woods
Wallace Zollman

Clara Adkins
Amazon Smile Foundation
Stephen and Mary Ann Anderson
Anonymous Donors
Mark and Loretta Arnold, Matt & Tiff, April & Jay
Austin Alumni Association
Patricia Bacala
Drs. Badger, Spiller & Nicholson, PC
William and Jane Ball III
Barger Family (Shawn, Lynnette, Allyson, and Cale)
Nancy Barr and Ken Burton
David and Jan Beasley
Alvin and Teresa Begley
David Berna
Boo and Tiffany Bishop
Blue & Co.
Patricia Bridge
Dennis and Jill Byrer-Boley
Ray and Jeanie Borden
Scott and Shannon Borden
Don and Bea Boswell
Jim and Jennifer Boswell
Lindsey Boswell
Steve and Charlotte Boswell
Dr. Walter Bridgewater
Andy Broady Family
Nieces and Nephews of Joyce Broady
Vickie Brown
Daniel and Brittany Brunner
Landon Campbell
Carew Concrete & Supply Co.
Steve and Jeannie Carlisle
Matt and Sheila Carter
CASA of Scott County
Roquel Chambers
City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy
Keith, Tana and Ana Coleman
Loretta Coleman
Kevin and Kim Collins and Family
Sue Collins and Family
Bobby and Pamela Colwell
Billy and Mary Beth Comer
Russ and Bonnie Comer
Jeff and Lisa Conder
Jeff and Sally Cox
Jerry and Patsy Craig
Larry and Peggy Craig
Mr. Monty Craig Family
Dr. John and Lora Croasdell
Jerry and Julie Cyr
Leanne Deaton
Stephanie Deaton
Gary and Peggy Densford
Gary and Beth Ann Dismore
Patricia Divish
Bob and Jennifer Doriot
Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett
Duke Energy
Roger and Mary Jo Duvall
Janelda Ellis and Robert Becker
Tony and Amy Evans
Dr. Vana and Marilyn Evans
Michael and Mary Everett
Robert and Joan Everitt
Marsha Reeves Fewell
Michael Fleetwood
Force Construction Company, Inc./Force Design, Inc.
Samuel and Susan Gardner
Gartech Enterprises/Don Hounshell
Chris and Beth Garten
Joan, Jeneice, Joni, and JoEtta Geralde
Oscar and Jenny Gibson
Ethel Golden
Steve and Pam Gwaltney
Jeff and Maria Hall
Jim and Janet Hall
Siles and Jean Hall
Jennifer, Sarah, Lauren, and Olivia Hamelman
Hancock’s Drug Store
Shari Hardy
Steven and Debbie Heacock
Mark and Janice Hieb
George E. Hill
Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs
Phil, Jennie and Cami Hoene
Thelma Hogue
Houston, Thompson and Lewis, PC and Staff
John Hulbert
Barbara and T G Humphrey
Wanda Igou
Ivy Tech Foundation
Joshua M.D. James/Bill C. Brown Associates
Hank and Ann Jentzen
Chris and Jennifer Johanningsmeier
Jody Johnson
Betty Joubert
Tom and Kat Julian
Jerry, Joan, and Jonathan Kelley
Larry and Ruth Kelley and family
Kentucky Concrete Association
Gregg and Kim Kiefer
Ken Kirby
Brandon and Bethany Knight
Stephen and Susan Knowles
Garth and Billie Jean James Kovener and the James Family
Rebecca Kundysek
Terry, Marilyn, Anna, Becca, and Charlie Kundysek
Robert and Lisa LaFountain
Phil and Rhonda LaMaster and family
Stephanie Jones Lemen
John and Lisa Lizenby
Jeff and Teresa Lytle and family
Eric and Nancy Lowry
George and Sue Lucas
Patrick Lucas Trust
Main Street Auto Sales, Inc.
Doris Marcum
John and Janice Martin
Stephen Zachary Martin
Robin Matthews
Dennis and Carol McClain
Hugh and Jacqueline McGannon
Ken and Sheila McMichael
Ailean McNeeley
Larry McNeely
Ed and Debbie Meyer
Jason and Karen Middleton
Roger and Pam Mosley
New Washington State Bank
Judy Nichols
Clifton Nicholson Jr.
Matthew and Erin Oberlies
Omega Construction Services, LLC
Jami and Adrienne Parks
Donald P. and D. Berneece Payne
Payne Law Office
Larry and Kathleen Peacock
Steven and Carrie Peacock
Steve and Judy Pettit
Matt and Lynda Phillips
Psi Iota Xi Sorority, Alpha Pi Chapter
Paul Quimby Jr.
Lisa Reid
Friends from Resource Management Associates (RMA)
Rick and Libby Richardson
Joe Robbins and family
Doug and Sally Ruhlin and Family
Robert and Virginia Rutherford
Saegesser Engineering
Dale and Vicki Sawin
Jared and Katie Sawin
Manfred and Arleen Schulze
Scott County Auto Center
Scott County Commissioners
Scott County Council
Scott County School District 1
Scott County School District 2
Scott County Soil and Water Conservation District Supporters
Scott Memorial Health
Scott Memorial Health Cardiopulmonary and Cardiac Rehab Departments
Scott Memorial Hospital Guild
Scottsburg High School Class of 1994
SHS Alumni Association
Raymond and Joyce Scroggins
Joe and Denise Smith
Rebecca Snow
Wayne and Sue Stearns
Joshua and Elizabeth Stigdon
Stoplight Liquors/Greg and Andrea Gibson
Pam Suter
Brent Swope
Jerel Taylor
Timothy Borden Enterprises
Jeremy and Jaime Toppe
Robert and Joan Tuma
Robert and Nancy Turner
Tom and Nina Vance
Vienna-Finley Elementary PTO
Les and Kaye Voyles
Waggoner, Irwin, Scheele Associates, Inc.
George and Sudonna Webster
Sam and Carolyn Weir
Brady and Julie Wells
Evan and Christa West
Ronald and Mary Jo West
James and Heather White
Peggy Jones Williams
Dennis and Linda Wilson
Joe and Becky Wolf and family
Elloree Wolka
Terril and Vicki Wolka
Chris and Melissa Woods
Yocum Families
Stanley and Sharron Zearing
Kurt and Stephanie Zierhut
Mike and Barbara Zollman
Chester and Joyce Zuckschwerdt
Robert and Vicky Zuverink

Amazon Smile Foundation
Anonymous Donors
Austin Dairy Queen
Richard and Colleen Bajjalieh
James and Pamela Barger
Jody and Heather Barger
Melvin and Phyllis Beeker
Blue & Company, LLC
Scott and Shannon Borden
Lindsey Boswell
Steve and Charlotte Boswell
Carl Boyd
Patricia Bridge
Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater
James and Barbara Broady
Ken Burton and Nancy Barr
Matt and Sheila Carter
City of Scottsburg Clerk-Treasurer Jan Hardy
City of Scottsburg Elected Officials and Employees
Keith and Becky Colbert
The Keith and Becky Colbert Family, David, Jonathan and Deborah
Loretta Coleman
Billy and Mary Beth Comer
Monty and Paige Comer
Jeff and Lisa Conder
Debra Conover
Christopher and Ondra Couch
Rodney and Sherri Craig
Dan and Karen Davis
DHA Inc.
DaVita Dialysis
Drs. Badger, Spiller & Nicholson
Willard and Mollie Watts Duckett
Duke Energy
Roger and Mary Jo Duvall
James A. Ellis
Janelda Ellis and Robert Becker
English Lodge 622
Englishton Park
Dr. Vana and Marilyn Evans
Michael and Mary Everett
Donna Faris
Margie Fawver
Marsha Reeves-Fewell
Finley Township Fire Department
Ryan and Beth Fleenor
Bill and Bobbie Foster
Kevin and Sheri Fraser
Dr. James and Jeanne Galyen and Family
Mitchell and Cindy Gibson
Eric and Shelly Gillespie
Grace Covenant Church
Mayor Bill Graham
Larry and Sara Anne Gulley
Pamela Gumbel
Steve and Pam Gwaltney
H R & Associates, Inc.
Mark and Michelle Taylor Haas
Hancock?s Drug Store
Jan and Shari Hardy
Tim and Sheila Hawkins
George E. Hill
Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs
Houston, Thompson & Lewis P.C.
Robert and Valerie Houston
John and Marsha Howser
Irving Materials, Inc.
R. Kent and Pamela Jo Irwin
ISU Insurance and Investment Group
Joshua M.D. James, Bill C. Brown Associates
Hank and Ann Jentzen
Kevin Jentzen/Light It Up
Tom and Linda Jourden
Robert and Mary Kieffer
James D. Kleopfer, Jr.
Stephen and Susan Knowles
Carol Lee
Dennis and Susan Leston
John and Lisa Lizenby
L.L. and Juanita Lowry
Glen Mace
T. Godfrey and Beth Mackenzie
Richard and Diana Manns
John and Janice Martin
Nancy Maston
Robin Matthews
Lee Ann McCandless
Hugh and Jacqueline McGannon
Thomas and Patricia McGrath
Steve and Candy Meyer
Michael E. Miner, M.D., Ph.D.
Monsanto Fund
Morgan Foods
Jason and Shannon Mount
Mulcahy Family
National Youth Advocate Program
New Hope Services, Inc.
Matt and Erin Oberlies
Jami and Adrienne Parks
Brent and Amie Peacock
Larry and Kathleen Peacock
Steven and Carrie Peacock
Matt and Lynda Phillips
Pilot Club of Scott County
Gary and Cynthia Prusinski
Beatrice Railing
Martha Ann Randall
Albert and Lonna Riggle
Martha Righthouse
Alan and Vanna Robbins
Jean M. Robbins
Ron?s Auto Sales, Inc.
Roseland Storage & Uhaul/Duane Hilderbrand
Steven and Deborah Rumple
Sazerac Company
Scott County Auto Center
Scott County Community Foundation Board of Directors and Staff
Scott County EDC Board and Staff
Scott County Genealogical Society Inc.
Scott County Kids First
Scott County School District 2
Scott County Soil and Water Conservation District
Delores Sharp
Daniel and Mary Lou Slattery
John and Kathleen Smead
Denis and Beth Smith
Richard and Delcia Smith
Janice Spillman
Carol Stead
Josh and Liz Stigdon
Stoplight Liquor/Greg and Andrea Gibson
Sunshine House Health Food Store
Nancy Swank
Lincoln Jr. and Dawn Taylor
Robert and Shirley Tobias
Fredrick and Emily Tomaselli
Jeremy and Jaime Toppe
Tuesday Night Women?s Bible Study
Robert and Joan Tuma
Vienna-Finley Elementary School
Voelker Law Office
Waggoner, Irwin, Scheele Associates, Inc.
Brady and Julie Wells
Wells Fargo Advisors
Evan and Christa West
Ronald and Mary Jo West
James and Heather White
Jeanna Winterhalter
Chris and Melissa Woods
Kurt and Stephanie Zierhut

Amazon Smile Foundation
Laura Amos
Anonymous Donors
Mark and Loretta Arnold
Austin High School Class of 1958
Austin Tri-Hawk Automotive
Allen and Ann Baker
Phil and Jennie Bartelt
Denise Beeler
Blue and Co.
Scott and Shannon Borden
Steve and Charlotte Boswell
Dr. Walter C. Bridgewater
Steve and Joyce Broady
Ken Burton and Nancy Barr
Mary Ellen Buchanan
Cherlyn Calloway-Helmbrecht
Matt and Sheila Carter
Roquel Chambers
City of Scottsburg
Billy and Mary Beth Comer
Lois E. Comer
Jeff and Lisa Conder
Karen Davis
Doris Davidson
Barbara Drescher
Mollie and Willard Duckett
Duke Energy
Duane Dunham
Debbie Ellis
Jan Ellis
James Ellis
Englishton Park
Dr. Vana and Marilyn Evans
Michael and Mary Everett
Dr. Sherman and Jacqueline Franz
Eric and Shelly Gillespie
Helen Craig Gorman
Bud and Mary Jo Gray
Col. Dwight Hair (RET)
Hancock’s Drug Store
Tim and Sheila Hawkins
Steve and Debbie Heacock
George Hill
Dale and Rosemarie Hobbs
Houston, Thompson & Lewis PC
Richard and Debbie Hurt
ISU Insurance and Investment Group
Hank and Ann Jentzen
Stephen and Susan Knowles
Little River Consultants, LLC
Tom and Jane Marley Family
Mason Investment Advisory Services
Hugh and Jacqueline McGannon
JR and Joan McGuire
Ruth Ann McGuire
Dr. Michael E. Miner
Mission Prayer Partners – Maria Tempest, Pam Sandlin, Mary Jones, Victoria McGuire, Bonnie Lamb, Mary Ann Hill, Debbie Hurt
Morgan Foods
Mike and Annette Murphy
Diane Nelson
New Washington State Bank
Lois Nolan
Wayne, Carol and Olivia Nolan
John, Marlene and Kennett Payne
Bunco Friends of Doris Pearcy
Jeff and Julie Petty
Matt and Lynda Phillips
Pilot Club of Scott County
Marsha Reeves-Fewell
Al and Lonna Riggle
Alan and Vanna Robbins
J. Berniece Robbins
Saegesser Engineering
Michael and Mary Kathleen Schneider
Scott County Community Foundation Board of Directors and Staff
Scott County Kids First
Scott County School District 2
Scott County Soil and Water Conservation District
Scott Memorial Hospital Guild
Scottsburg First Christian Church Son Seekers Class
Scottsburg High School Alumni Association
Martha Sharron
Dan and Mary Lou Slattery
Joe and Denise Smith
Carol Stead
Joshua and Elizabeth Stigdon
Margaret G. Strouse
Sunshine House Health Food Store & Cafe
Nancy D. Swank
Jerel Taylor
Jeremy and Jaime Toppe
Vienna-Finley Elementary School PTO
Wal-Mart Supercenter #1142
Wayne and Polly Walters
Tim Watt
Brady and Julie Wells
Evan and Christa West
James and Heather White
Denny and Linda Wilson
Terry and Vicki Wolka
Robert Woodruff