Shelley Comer Akers Touched Lives of Many

A scholarship for students who are involved in 4-H is keeping alive the memory of a person who was special to so many. Shelley Comer Akers, age 35, died tragically in a tractor accident on Aug. 2, 2010. She left behind her husband, Kyle; two daughters, Alexis and...

Chief John?s Legacy Benefits Englishton Park

A new fund to benefit the Englishton Park Summer Camp program will carry on the legacy of ?Chief John,? a former camp counselor who passed away this year after a short battle with cancer. John Elliott Wittich worked his first summer at Englishton Park in Lexington in...

Oak Fund – Dale E. and Rosemarie Hobbs Fund

Dale E. and Rosemarie Hobbs Fund As the board chairman for the Scott County Community Foundation, Dale Hobbs wanted to show his commitment to the Foundation?s mission. When the board approved the Foundation?s new Forever Tree Society memorial and tribute program, Dale...