2024 Lilly Scholar Hailey Schafer

2024 Lilly Scholar – Hailey Schafer Hailey Schafer Senior, Scottsburg High School Plans to attend the University of Evansville to major in biochemistry/pre-med. “Words will never be able to truly express my gratitude toward the Community Foundation and...

Hailey Schafer Awarded Lilly Scholarship

Scott County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2024 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, Hailey Schafer of Scottsburg High School. Lilly Endowment Community Scholars are known for their community involvement, academic achievement,...

Scott County 4-H Receives Grant

Purdue Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator Tom Springstun, far right, accepts a check for $500 from Matthew LaMaster, Becky Snowden and Marilyn Evans. The grant was awarded from the Nathan and Alice Bridge Memorial Fund at the Scott County Community...