Almost $100k Available in Scholarships

Almost $100,000 in scholarship assistance is available to graduating high school seniors and non-traditional adult learners through the Scott County Community Foundation. Whether a student has not decided on a major, or has plans to choose a career path in education,...

2023 Lilly Scholar Brady Watts

2023 Lilly Scholar – Brady Watts Brady Watts 2023 graduate, Austin High School Attending the University of Southern Indiana to major in business management “My freshman year flew by, and it came with many learning experiences! Balancing academics and...

2022 Lilly Scholar Lara McGlothlin

2022 Lilly Scholar – Lara McGlothlin Lara McGlothlin 2022 graduate, Scottsburg High School Attending IUPUI to major in biology “My second semester at IUPUI was even more incredible than the first semester! This semester, I continued my coursework for my...

Brady Watts Named 2023 Lilly Scholar

Scott County Community Foundation is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship, Brady Watts of Austin High School. Lilly Endowment Community Scholars are known for their community involvement, academic achievement, character...