2014 Lilly Scholarship Recipient Announced

One Scott County student has been named recipient of a full-tuition, four-year scholarship as the Scott County Community Foundation 2014 Lilly Endowment Community Scholar. Hyeree Ellis of Scottsburg High School will receive full tuition to the Indiana college of her...

Kiwanis Club Assists Englishton Park Summer Program

Scottsburg Kiwanis Club President Al Riggle and member Dave Church, center, award a check for $500 to Englishton Park Presbyterian Ministries Board President Larry Truax and board members (from left) Robert Everitt, Aaron Flucke, Dale Hobbs, Doug Moeller, Donnie...

2014 Lilly Scholar Surprised With News

Scholarship committee member L.L. Lowry gives the award letter to 2014 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipient, Hyeree Ellis. Hyeree, who is a senior at Scottsburg High School, was surprised with the good news at LeRoy’s Food Mart in Lexington, where she...