Inside the Scott County Community Foundation

Our Mission Statement:

“Growing and preserving charitable gifts to strengthen Scott County by looking forward and giving back.”

Our Vision Statement:

Our vision is to be a community leader in philanthropy, stewardship, giving and serving for the common good in Scott County. The Foundation will mobilize the leadership and resources needed to improve the quality of life for residents of Scott County, Indiana.

The National Standards Seal by our name indicates official confirmation from the Council on Foundations that we have met the most rigorous standards in philanthropy. It affirms our commitment to financial security, transparency and accountability. It says our grantmaking includes an open, competitive process designed to address the changing needs of our community. The National Standards Seal also confirms our history of honoring donors’ wishes to expand literacy, feed children, beautify our community, support the arts and countless other important causes.

The National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations Program was established in 2000 in cooperation with the Council on Foundations. National Standards guide community foundations in establishing legal, ethical and effective operational practices that serve as blueprints for internal development and benchmarks for external assessment. The National Standards require the Scott County Community Foundation to document its policies in donor services, investment management, grantmaking and administration. To receive confirmation of National Standards compliance, the Scott County Community Foundation submitted its organizational and financial policies and procedures to a rigorous legal review, and must apply for certification every three years.

The Scott County Community Foundation values the understanding of, importance, and involvement in charitable giving of the people of Scott County. We are proud to have been named in compliance with these Standards since 2007.

Scott County Community Foundation was recently recognized for our transparency with a 2024 Platinum Seal on our GuideStar/Candid Nonprofit Profile! GuideStar/Candid is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. More than 8 million visitors per year and a network of 200+ partners use GuideStar/Candid data to grow support for nonprofits.