On Sunday, Feb. 5, over 150 million Americans will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be people worrying about staying warm, finding shelter and a warm meal. Many people have never had to wonder where their next meal is coming from. But for 48 million Americans it is a very real concern.
In 1990, a youth-led movement to help hungry and hurting people around the world began. The idea was to use Super Bowl weekend, a time when people come together for football and fun, to also unify the nation for a higher good: collecting dollars and canned food for the needy. Since the ?Souper Bowl of Caring? began, youth across the nation have generated over $108 million for soup kitchens, food banks and other charities across the country.
Locally, the Scott County Youth Grantmaking Council is participating in this campaign for the eighth year. Last year?s collection brought 663 items and $120 for the Scott County Clearinghouse, the largest collection to-date for the project! The Clearinghouse is especially in need of toilet paper, laundry detergent, ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese and vegetable canned goods.
You may give items or monetary donations to any member of the YGC, or drop off items at the Scott County Community Foundation office, 60 N. Main St., Scottsburg. Youth will be accepting donations through Friday, Feb. 3.
In addition, all schools and other youth organizations are invited to participate with your own group to raise dollars and food for the Scott County Clearinghouse. Details can be found at www.tacklehunger.org.
If you have any questions, please call 752-2057 or email info@www.scottcountyfoundation.org.