June Miller, Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network
In an effort to assist nonprofits with capacity building, the Scott County Community Foundation will be hosting quarterly lunch and learn sessions. Board members, volunteers and staff of nonprofit organizations are highly encouraged to attend. The workshops will be led by June Miller with the Indiana Nonprofit Resource Network. June brings more than 20 years of experience in corporate and nonprofit training.
The first session, ?The Nonprofit Board of Directors That Works? will be held Nov. 3 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Lifelong Learning Center. This workshop reviews the essential responsibilities of every nonprofit board of directors, regardless of mission, size or location. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what the duties of a board are, and with the tools needed to perform those duties. Participants will also understand the foundation for a great working relationship between the lead staff person and the board.
Future topics include ?Grantwriting 101 and Measuring Outcomes? on March 9; ?The Board?s Role in Fundraising? on June 1; and ?We?ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This!? on Sept. 7.
?Our local nonprofits are faced with many challenges when trying to fulfill our missions,? said Community Foundation Executive Director Jaime Toppe. ?Being efficient and financially sustainable is an extremely vital part of being able to effectively deliver services to our community. Our Grants Committee and Board of Directors are offering these workshops to help strengthen our nonprofits and therefore make our community better as a whole.?
?The Grants Committee will look favorably upon organizations that are striving to improve their operations by attending these sessions,? added Toppe. ?I highly encourage volunteer board members to support your organization by joining us!?
The cost for attending is $10 per person and includes lunch. Registration is due one day prior to the session, and can be made by calling the Scott County Community Foundation at 812-752-2057 or emailing info@www.scottcountyfoundation.org.