Almost 53 years ago, Scottsburg High School graduates made history when they formed an alumni association. With the intent of bringing alumni together for social fellowship and to promote the value of a high school education, the association has succeeded in its goals and has helped many students along the way with financial assistance. The SHS Alumni Association has taken their commitment to students one step further through the establishment of an endowment fund at the Scott County Community Foundation to benefit graduating seniors with their college expenses.
Classmates of the SHS graduating class of 1937 started their own annual reunion and eventually decided to draw in another class to join them. On Dec. 10, 1963, 16 alums, the superintendent and the high school principal held the first meeting for the purpose of forming the Scottsburg High School Alumni Association. Robert Murphy conducted the meeting where the first officers nominated and elected were Walker Amick, president; Charles Stewart, vice president; Wilma Sarver, secretary; and Robert Everitt, treasurer.
About 490 alumni and guests attended the first banquet and dance on May 29, 1964, in the Scottsburg High School cafetorium. The banquet has been held annually since then with the venue moved in 1970 to the new high school on South Gardner Street, where it is still held.
Outstanding Alumnus awards have been given at the banquets since its inception, and that has become a highlight of each banquet. Scholarships to graduating seniors have totaled over $41,000 in over 45 years. Now the SHS Alumni Association has found a way to help provide scholarships for generations to come, through their new SHS Alumni Association Education Fund at the Community Foundation.
The Scott County Community Foundation was formed in December 1996 as a way for donors to give to causes they care about, and to do so in a way that would impact Scott County for generations to come. Donations are invested and only a small portion of the earnings are spent in grants and scholarships each year, allowing a fund to benefit the community forever. The Community Foundation supports a wide variety of causes through over 80 endowment funds. With grants and scholarships totaling over $3 million, it has been an important resource for charitable giving.
After years of seeing the good being done in the community, the alumni officers knew they could trust the expertise of the Foundation in administering their endowment fund. With the availability of a matching grant from Lilly Endowment, this opportunity will help the fund grow more quickly to provide a permanent source of funding for scholarships. All donations to the SHS Alumni Association Education Fund are being matched 50 cents for every dollar, through March 31. Gifts can be made in memory of a classmate or in honor of a class, if desired.
Donations can be mailed to the Community Foundation at PO Box 25, Scottsburg, IN 47170, or dropped off at 60 N. Main St., Scottsburg. They can also be made online at through Paypal and designated for the SHS Alumni Association Education Fund. Donations must be received by March 31, 2016, to qualify for the Lilly matching grant. Please call 812-752-2057 for information.