2022 Lilly Scholar – Lara McGlothlin
Lara McGlothlin
2022 graduate, Scottsburg High School
Attending IUPUI to major in biology
“My second semester at IUPUI was even more incredible than the first semester! This semester, I continued my coursework for my major in biology. However, I also began taking courses for my newly added minor in health psychology! Through these courses, I was able to further learn about the complexity of the human body, and I also began to explore the relationships between psychology and biology within healthcare. In addition, I was honored to have made the Dean’s List and to have been awarded the Ronald E. Kirk Award for being the top student in freshman biology.
Beyond the classroom, I was presented with many additional opportunities. Throughout the semester, I continued to serve with the Christian Student Fellowship. Within this organization, I was promoted to a leadership role and will be serving as a bible study leader during next school year! Additionally, after completing my mentorship program through the Honors College, I decided that I would like to serve as a peer mentor during the upcoming academic year. I was honored to have been selected as a mentor, and I look forward to working with my mentee during the fall semester! Lastly, during the past few months, I have applied and interviewed for the Life-Health Sciences Internship Program at IUPUI. I am excited to have been selected for the program, and I look forward to assisting in research within the field of pediatric endocrinology at IU Health.
Therefore, while I am thankful to be home for the summer, I am eagerly awaiting my return to IUPUI. My first year was more amazing than I could have ever imagined, and I cannot wait to see the opportunities that will arise during the upcoming school year!”